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Our vision at the Pediatric Auditory Experience & Brain Lab is to become global leaders in translational hearing research. We aim to improve audiology, speech, and language services for individuals with hearing difficulties who use spoken language for communication. We envision equitable care and are committed to serving diverse individuals from cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds worldwide, with a particular focus on those from Spanish-speaking communities.


At the Pediatric Auditory Experience & Brain Lab, our mission is to conduct groundbreaking research on real-world auditory experiences and their impact on communication outcomes and quality of life. We develop techniques to measure everyday communication environments and understand how individuals, especially children with hearing difficulties, listen and learn in challenging listening settings (i.e., noisy classrooms). We also use advanced tools to study how the brain processes sound in these real-world auditory environments. We strive to inform best practices and contribute to the development of innovative hearing technologies and treatments that help individuals with hearing difficulties thrive in their day-to-day communication environments. Finally, we are dedicated to training and inspiring the next generation of researchers and clinicians to advance the field and enhance the quality of life for individuals with hearing difficulties.


  • Excellence: We aim for the highest standards in research and clinical practice, ensuring rigorous scientific methodologies and impactful outcomes.
  • Scientific Integrity: We uphold the principles of rigor, transparency, and open science, prioritizing the quality of our research over the quantity to ensure reliable and relevant findings.
  • Innovation: We embrace cutting-edge technologies and approaches to push the boundaries of what is possible in hearing, speech, and language research.
  • Inclusivity: We are dedicated to addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals from diverse linguistic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds. We are advocates for equitable services in the field of audiology and speech language- pathology and provide support to individuals with hearing disabilities.
  • Collaboration: We believe in the power of interdisciplinary collaboration between experts in the fields of acoustics, neuroscience, linguistics, hearing, speech-language pathology, education or psychology to obtain well-rounded translational results.
  • Partnership: We are committed to collaborating with community members, policymakers, and industry leaders to ensure our research is clinically relevant and translates into practical solutions in the real world. By working together, we aim to bridge the gap between research and practice, driving innovations that directly improve communication outcomes and quality of life for individuals with hearing difficulties.
  • Education: We are committed to training and mentoring the next generation of researchers and clinicians by 1) fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth, 2) providing a solid scientific background, and 3) cultivating empathy, cultural competence, and advocacy skills.

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